Our Mission

At exp.club, our heart lies in making learning real and impactful. We believe true skill-building happens when you roll up your sleeves and dive into real work. That's why we've created a space where you, alongside a team of fellow dreamers and do-ers, get to build actual products. It's about turning ideas into reality and learning through doing.

Our approach is simple: learn by building, guided by those who've walked the path before. Our mentors aren't just teachers; they're industry pros who share their real-world wisdom to help you grow. This isn't just about learning; it's about growing into the professional you aspire to be.

We're more than a learning platform; we're a community. By joining us, you're stepping into a network of future innovators and leaders. At exp.club, every project you work on is a step towards your dream career. Come, be a part of this journey where your work, your growth, and your dreams converge.

Join our Community

Network with fellow product, design & tech folks and stay up-to-date on the current cohort, their products, weekly progress and other updates.